
[영어 회화/구슬쌤] have a soft spot for, unprecedented, before you know it

ella_oh 2021. 5. 1. 01:33

1. have a soft spot for: (~ 앞에서 마음이) 약하다

2. before you know it: (알아차리기도 전에) 금방, 곧, 순식간에

3. strong word: 어감이 센 단어



1. have a soft spot for ~: ~를 무척 좋아하다/ ~에 약하다

*캠브릿지 사전: If you have a soft spot for someone or something, you feel a great deal of affection for them or like them a lot.

*affection: 애착, 보살핌, 애정

<Merriam-Webster 사전>

soft spot = a sentimental weakness = a vulnerable point : 마치 강철같은 심장을 녹여버리는 대상


I have a soft spot for my daughter


<정말 좋아하는 가수> I have to admit, I have a soft spot for the Rolling Stones.

Larry has a soft spot for animals.


<가슴을 뭉클하게 만드는 대상에도> And I have a soft spot for single moms, having been raised by one.


<휘트니 휴스턴의 전례 없는 성공> There was unprecedented success.


unprecedented: 전례 없는, 전에 없던

*캠브릿지 사전: never having happened or existed in the past. unprecedented challenge / unprecedented success


He faced the unprecedented challenge.(전례없는 어려움)


Clive really has weakness for artists.

It all stems from that authentic love of music.

*stem from: ~에서 유래하다/비롯하다


authentic: 정품의/진짜의

faux: 가짜의, 인조의

*캠브릿지 사전: not real, but made to look or seem real.


<faux fur도 정말 진짜처럼 보이기에 굳이 동물 가죽을 사용하지 말자고 하며>

Many of these faux fur garments are so authentic-looking that you cannot tell the difference.


vegan: 동물성 식품을 전혀 먹지 않는 엄격한 채식주의자

*Vegan leather(가짜 가죽) and faux leather are the same thing - essentially a fake 'leather' material that does not use animal skin



2: before you know it: (너가 알아차리기도 조차 전에) 금방, 곧, 순식간에

*캠브릿지 사전: very soon


긴장하는 상대에게 긴장을 풀어줄 때 사용

Don't worry. It'll be over before you know it. 걱정하지 마 너도 모르는 사이에 금방 끝날 거야.


A: I don't know if I can do this, man.

B: It'll be over before you know it.


A: You okay?

A: Just be polite and say "Your Honor."

A: It'll be over before you know it.


We'll be back before you know it.


It's only overnight.

We'll be back before you know it.


병원 진료를 걱정하는 아이에게

It'll be over before you know it.


물론 부정적인 상황에서도 쓸 수 있어요

Before you know it, you're gonna have a very, very significant problem.


*soon도 괜찮지만 강조할 땐 -> before you know it.


*as soon as도 괜찮지만 -> the second / the minute 주어 + 동사

- I'll call you the second I'm done. 끝나자 마자 바로 전화할게. https://youtu.be/8pK6dCPtDi0?t=143



3: strong word: 어감이 센/조심히 써야 되는 단어

hate, love, never, always 등 어감이 세거나 조심히 써야 되는 단어


A: I have how he tries to micromanage us.

B: Hate is a strong word. I think he's just looking out for us.


<부정적인 느낌이 너무 강한 'hate'>

Hate is a strong word.

It's the right word, but still.


Total (완전)까지는 아니고요

Well, total is a strong word.


"Perfect." It's such a strong word. Maybe "adequate(적당한)."


never (절대)는 함부로 쓰기 힘든 센 표현 Never is a strong word.



No, that's a strong word.


[출처 ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWv_f0f9zzw&list=WL&index=2

원어민이 아니면 쓰기 힘든 세련된 강조 표현 (have a soft spot for, unprecedented, before you know it)

본 글은 위의 영상 중 SANGJU LEE님의 댓글을 참고하여 작성하였습니다.